SimGolf and other Links
Official and Daily Game News Sites
Sites with Reference Information:
- Golf Scorecard Archives a source of real-world course score cards for course design (thanks, jaskerr)
- Artist's Golf, beautiful watercolor course maps from some of the more famous courses around the world (thanks again, jaskerr)
- Augusta Course Tour in 360 and fly-bys (thanks, Juniordan)
Fansites (which may have Message Boards
Message Boards:
- which gave SimGolf a 94%, noting "If you enjoyed Rollercoaster Tycoon, The Sims, Black & White or any other game of "God game" genre, you owe it yourself to give this game a shot. I know many people who weren't very fond of those games, but find this one insanely addictive.
- gives SG an 8.5 out of 10, saying "The number of games that cross my desk once and never return is considerable. SimGolf has managed to rework my review schedule so I can play some more. On the surface it's a very simple game with very few "rules." But this is what makes the game so sophisticated and so addictive."
- gave SG an 8.8 out of 10, saying "SimGolf is an incredibly fun game, despite what may seem like a long list of shortcomings. In fact, it's such an enjoyable game that you probably won't think about most of its problems until long after you've finished playing a session. Which means that you probably won't be thinking about SimGolf's problems for a long, long time. "
- Games Domain gave Simgolf 4.5 out of 5 and a Highly Recommended rating: "Despite the irritations, SimGolf is an all-round fantastic experience. It's got enough building to keep god-sim fans happy, enough interaction to keep Sims-fanatics interested, and enough detail for even the management freaks to have a damn good time. The mixture of all three is highly compelling, and a 'quick go' all too often turns into hours of golfing mayhem."